Monthly President's Report August 2018
Submitted by Karen Kassik-Michelsohn, CPBD, FAIBD
Professional Women in Building: We received our Charter on July 25! What an honor! Thank you Nikki for all the hard work organizing everything. We have written a mission statement and Vision statement, both now out for review. We still need a chair for the council. We discussed making our main mission/agenda as being the arm of AHBA to recruit young people into the trades.
Governmental Affairs Director: We anxiously await George Culpepper’s start of work the beginning of September.
*The above 2 items will be 2 of my goals that I set for AHBA! If PWB completes the Education/recruitment agenda, then 3 goals will be done!! Now let’s use all of the above to increase the value of the “Licensed Builder”, my final goal.
Remodelers Council: We had a Remodelers meeting on July 18. We discussed getting our goals and mission statements back together so we can market ourselves. Looking for a Chair for the Council.
Advocacy: We have been meeting with Assembly Members over the last months with great success. We have created a more open communication and awareness level.
Happy to report that Paul Michelsohn received his Senior Life Directorship at the Mid-Year meeting. Thank you for the years of dedication and service to Home Builders! We now have 2 Senior Life Directors from AHBA, Paul and Clai Porter.
Thank you to Paul Michelsohn and Steve Mickley of AIBD for formulating and lobbying a resolution to NAHB for the design of townhouses. Two jurisdictions, Alabama and Missouri have interpreted the ICC as not allowing Building Designers to design townhomes. Steve and Paul walked the resolution to many different committees and caucuses at the Mid-Year meeting where they achieved unanimous approval. The resolution then went to the Board of Directors meeting and was approved there also.
This was a big win for AIBD and the Building Design community.
Thank you to those who attended the Mid-Year meeting; Eric Visser, Jim Dunlap, Paul Michelsohn, Clai Porter.
Future AHBA location change:
No progress at this time.
Submitted by Scott Allen
Chuck and I have conversed on the issue, and as President of the captive board, he made a phone call and rattled the cage.
Email from Erik Fulton: I have made calls to both Eric and Chuck to provide them with the most recent AK filing updates. This last go-round of objections involved discretionary credits and debits that we, the carrier, may apply to any given account. The AK DOI has objected to this a few times. Our initial response to the first time they objected was to adopt ISO rules regarding scheduled credits and debits, and the AK DOI objected. We found this to be odd, given ISO is the leading provider of statistical, actuarial, and underwriting tools. We amended our response a second time to acquiesce to what we believed their concern was and they objected once more and asked that we amend our rule back to the original response. We did this, and they objected once more.
Given the back and forth and seemingly getting nowhere, I asked the Trean compliance analyst to reach out to the DOI, rather than continue to chase our tail. The Trean analyst called the regulator and had been playing phone tag with them, over the course of this last week.
This morning I received an email from the Trean analyst saying that he had made contact with the AK DOI regulator on Thursday to discuss what was holding this up. This happens to coincide with Chuck's call to them from yesterday. Suffice it to say; his call greased the wheels.
As of this afternoon, I prepared and emailed my response to the Trean compliance analyst. A formal response will be sent to AK by Monday or Tuesday, at the latest.
As for "extensions" none were needed given our responses to the DOI's objections have been made within the allotted time frame.
* "So far, neither the division nor the filer have elected any of the extensions."
Verbal report from Andre Spinelli
TITLE 21 REPORT No report as he is on vacation.
Our committee met with Traini/Dyson and Pete Petersen recently. By far the more productive meeting was with Traini/Dyson. Both seemed receptive to help the homebuilders with their problems at Building Safety.
The action plan agreed upon is as follows:
1. Hire Building Official
2. Allow third party inspectors
3. Provide MOA incentives for energy and downtown property development
4. Kill existing Basement Policy R.01 and replace with revised old policy
5. Attempt to have military, government, and HLB land released at a quicker pace
6. Draft an Assembly Resolution pushing the mayor and staff towards a more responsive building and development department
Also discussed was riding on the wave of the AEDC recommendations for solutions to the economic malaise. The 2040 Land Use Plan could be used productively with more research and creativity.
Dyson suggested piggybacking the AHBA agenda to the mayor's need to solve the homeless problem. More thought is needed, however there may be a future benefit if AHBA can figure out how to partner with the mayor on the homeless problem.
The governor's race is still being monitored.
The west side Assembly race is key. AHBA needs to establish an immediate relationship with the winner.
Verbal report from Clai Porter and minutes from LWP attached
Verbal report from Pete Nolan
Submitted by Steve Voves
Last Thursday, July 19th was the date for the AHBA Golf Tournament. It was held at the Anchorage Golf Course @ O’Malley Road.
The weather was fantastic, the pace of play was very good, we had outstanding participation with sponsor “Hole Sitters”, and the BBQ at the end of the tournament was well received. All in all, we can claim it was a big success.
First National Bank of Alaska had the winning score, NVision Architects claimed the esteemed “Red Lantern Award” (for last place) and the team from Builders Millwork Supply was the winner of the grand prize raffle -- where all teams were eligible to win.
To date, we can account for all sources of income…
Which include:
v Team Registrations
v Hole Sponsors
v Golf Cart Sponsors
v Drink Cart Sponsor
v Driving Range Sponsor
v Breakfast Sponsor
v Lunch Sponsor
v Mulligan Packages
<Approx Total = $25,450.00>
The expenses include: Course Fees, Food Expenses, Misc. Administrative Costs: <Approx Total = $12,122.76>
** Approx Net Profit from the Tournament = $13,417.24
Our next Associates Council meeting is Tuesday, August 14th. At that meeting, we will turn our attention to upcoming events, the first of which will be the “Parade of Homes” (Sept. 8th & 9th)
ENDOWMENT REPORT Nothing to report.