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Associates Council Report Thursday April 19, 2018

Present: Nikki Giordano Erica Calloway Steven Kihn Jana Seda Pete Nolan Steve Voves

We discussed two main topics: 1. “Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament”

2. AHBA Golf Tournament

Poker Tournament:

It was suggested we move the announced date of the tournament from Friday, May 4th, to a later date of Friday, May 18th. Early debate revolved around either rescheduling the event – or cancelling it for 2018. We agreed if we moved it to a later date, away from the busy activities of the end of April and beginning of May, we could “re-group” and mobilize for a more successful event.

  • Steven agreed to handle Pay-Pal entry payments

  • Jana agreed to coordinate the food

  • Steve agreed to supply tables & chairs from SBS

Golf Tournament: July 19th @ O’Malley Golf Course

  • We discussed the “logistics” of the tournament. The goal is to assure at least a “1/2 field” of 24 teams. We are currently pricing out draw-string bags vs. plastic buckets for Goody Bag items.

  • We will return back to cooking BBQ food this year. Currently we are trying to secure the availability of the SBS Mobile BBQ Grille for the day.

  • We agreed to advertise an “Early Bird Special” for teams paying their entry fees prior to May 31th. That discount would be $500 per team.

  • Entry fees paid after the May 31st dead-line would pay the traditional fee of $600 per team.

  • We set a “pre-tournament date” of July 17th for shopping for the BBQ Food.

Next Scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, May 8th


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