Associates Council Report Thursday April 19, 2018
Present: Nikki Giordano Erica Calloway Steven Kihn Jana Seda Pete Nolan Steve Voves
We discussed two main topics: 1. “Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament”
2. AHBA Golf Tournament
Poker Tournament:
It was suggested we move the announced date of the tournament from Friday, May 4th, to a later date of Friday, May 18th. Early debate revolved around either rescheduling the event – or cancelling it for 2018. We agreed if we moved it to a later date, away from the busy activities of the end of April and beginning of May, we could “re-group” and mobilize for a more successful event.
Steven agreed to handle Pay-Pal entry payments
Jana agreed to coordinate the food
Steve agreed to supply tables & chairs from SBS
Golf Tournament: July 19th @ O’Malley Golf Course
We discussed the “logistics” of the tournament. The goal is to assure at least a “1/2 field” of 24 teams. We are currently pricing out draw-string bags vs. plastic buckets for Goody Bag items.
We will return back to cooking BBQ food this year. Currently we are trying to secure the availability of the SBS Mobile BBQ Grille for the day.
We agreed to advertise an “Early Bird Special” for teams paying their entry fees prior to May 31th. That discount would be $500 per team.
Entry fees paid after the May 31st dead-line would pay the traditional fee of $600 per team.
We set a “pre-tournament date” of July 17th for shopping for the BBQ Food.
Next Scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, May 8th