AHBA President’s Report
Submitted by: Karen Kassik-MIchelsohn, CPBD, FAIBD
Remodelers Council: The Remodeling industry in Anchorage and Eagle River is booming. Currently, we only have 6 members in the Remodeler’s Council; Chuck, Homan, Cody Lee, Doug Lipinski, Doug Stefan, Clai Porter and Myself. Dues for Remodeler’s is only $50 per year - I want to see a membership drive to recruit Remodelers into AHBA. Please have everyone at table write down as many remodelers as they know so we may contact them.
Professional Women in Building: Planning PWB Lunch & Learn in May (possibly May 10th or 16th, whichever is best for Sheronda and Darylene to attend). Nikki asked the PWB staff from NAHB to send brochures and posters so she can display at the Home Show.
Bring Housing Home Legislative Conference, April 30-May 5, 2018 Clai might be able to elaborate on this.
Connex: The property that the connex sits has been sold. Partusch is willing to put all of the contents in their warehouse. Partusch is asking that we basically give them the connex in exchange for them never collecting rent for the property it sits on and for housing the contents in the future. This was brought up at the last meeting, no action as of yet.
Future AHBA location change: Mark Filipenko, a commercial realtor, has presented listings for our review. Most are for lease properties that are smaller than we have currently. According to Brandon, AHBA would not be able to mortgage a property even with a substantial down payment. Please feel free to discuss.
Governmental Affairs Director:
To date, we have only received one resume that looks promising from a gentleman in Colorado. We are also placing the ad on Craig’s List. I would like to review the one resume and any others at the next Exec meeting and make a decision to interview or not.
Membership: Please finalize a category for retired Builders so they stay active at a lower or no cost basis. Can we alter our membership applications to include councils that require an extra fee such as Remodelers and PWB?
After Home Show, let’s revisit our Goal of improving the “value” of the licensed Builder.
Have a great Home Show and Spring Preview everyone, see you in May!
Respectfully submitted, Karen