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Alaska Home Builders Laud Governor for Signing Contractor Licensing Bill into Law

WHO: Governor Bill Walker

WHAT: Bill signing for SB45, Licensing Exemptions: Contractors; Alcoholic Beverages WHEN: Friday, July 13, 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. WHERE: Anchorage Home Builders Association, 8301 Schoon Street, Suite 200

(Anchorage) Governor Bill Walker will be signing SB45 into law this afternoon at the Anchorage Home Builders offices. This law requires an unlicensed “owner-builder” who lists or sells a new home within two years of starting construction to disclose they do not have a contractor’s license.

This is an important piece of legislation that ensure consumers are well-informed when making buying decision. Construction contractors are required to obtain a professional license with an option of a further endorsement for residential construction in Alaska. State licensing for contractors requires insurance and bonding which help to protect consumers.

The Alaska building community advocated and supported this legislation and is proud to see it signed into law.


The ASHBA is a statewide organization. Our mission is to provide an organization wherein building contractors and persons engaged in a trade, industry or profession related to housing may meet to discuss various problems of common interest, particularly those related to labor, production and finance. To maintain high standards in the building industry, to support building contractors in efforts to rectify conditions of an unsatisfactory nature, to encourage those methods of contracting work which reduce the building contractors risks and to encourage sound business methods. We are an aggressive, service oriented Association run by and for the membership.

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